Another How-to: how to play Lucas from super smash bros

Lucas is from the Game series Mother(Earthbound) specifically the game Mother 3. Just like Ness, he has telekinesis powers, called PSI. Let’s get into the moveset, shall we?

Lucas standard attacks are mainly the same as everyone else in the roster. A kick and punch are what you can see here. A interesting note, Lucas does more damage with these attacks if you space yourself a little bit from the enemy. If you don’t believe me, try it yourself.

For Lucas’s neutral B is called PK Freeze. While holding down the B button, it makes a wide arc until it comes in contact with the opponent(s). If not come in contact, it will shatter on the ground.

The contact with force the enemy into a ice ball and can not move for a certain time. This is the perfect time to defeat the enemy if they are a high enough damage.

Lucas’s up B is identical to Nesses. It is called PK Thunder. while activating this ability, you can not move your character, you are moving the ability. This may sound complicated but look at the gif and it might make sense. Practice with this one!

Lucas has two jumps, and PK thunder can make him stall in the air and you can put it on yourself up if you hit yourself.

Pk Fire is Lucas’s side B. It does moderate damage. Unlike Nesses PK Fire, which does more damage and makes the opponent stay inside the blast, Lucas’s has high knock back.Star Creation | Superpower Wiki | Fandom

Lucas’s ultimate smash is called PK Starstorm. It does heavy damage and comes down from the sky.

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